Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Up Up and Away

Its time to break free, its time for me to move on
I left a loved city behind and my friends... but I held on to you, for support, for a semblance of familiarity. The wrong reasons some may say... but for me, they were the only reasons. Yeaah, the only and the best reasons, to hold on
I loved you. I love you still.
But I have to go
Not because I am over you
No, thats not it ... you understand, but to test in this world all you have taught me
To find my moorings without your support
To get out of this complacent existence
To live ... on my own


Anonymous said...

have fun,,

Anonymous said...

aww >:D<.. cmon it aint gonna be THAT BAD :p but but rediff isnt the same anymore...

Anonymous said...

The last four lines are the exact reason I left Madras. :-)

Anonymous said...

@tinky toinkers: I have no clue what your real name is and so, I'm addressing this to you as tinky toinkers. Your comment was beautiful. I hope you come by more often. I've added your to my links. I hope you don't mind. Best wishes, aabeirah.

heh? ok said...

tinkerty tonk to you.
and yes, it is important.
all the best.